Crime Prevention
Dear Lake Success Resident,
Now that summer has arrived, The Lake Success Police Department would like to remind all residents to be vigilant in protecting their belongings. The warm weather brings opportunity for criminals to commit crimes against property. These crimes occur in our community as well as other surrounding villages. A recent incident involved an individual walking through the neighborhood trying doors of parked vehicles to see if they were left unlocked. Once a vehicle was found to be left unlocked the individual seized the opportunity to remove the personal items that were left inside. So please remember to lock all your home and car doors, secure your belongings and always leave your home security system on. Also, never leave your keys in your car. Be safe and have a great summer.
Joseph Gardella
Chief of Police
The police department has a "State of the Art" monitoring station for security alarms. The individual resident may purchase from their own alarm company a system that contacts the Lake Success Police headquarters directly via telephone or radio signal. For prompt responses, these systems should be checked at least three times a year to verify that it functions correctly. Call the police department and give them your code before testing your connection.
Property Crime
The Lake Success Police Department would like to remind all residents to lock the doors on their vehicles.
Over 95% of thefts occurring from vehicles are from unlocked vehicles. Residents must make it a priority to always lock the doors to your vehicles and residences. Do not leave any valuable items inside your vehicle. If you can see it, they can see it.
In order to prevent burglaries and other crimes of opportunity it is important to be aware of crime prevention actions we all should be taking. The most important factor in deterring a burglar is to make your home appear to be occupied. If your home appears occupied he will move on to an easier target. The following, are ways in which to harden your homes security:
- Put timers on lighting inside and outside your home. Use interior timers to establish a pattern of occupancy. A dark house is an unoccupied house.
- Leave a small radio on in a room near the rear entrance. This will create the illusion of occupancy. Burglars often enter through the rear of a home. The rear offers cover from being observed and is often quiet. A radio left on near the rear entrance will easily be heard.
- Keep your alarm system active and be sure to have an audible alarm activate when a break occurs in the system. If a burglar hears an audible alarm he usually will leave the area immediately to avoid being seen and to look for an easier target.
- Be a good neighbor - Look out for one another and call the Police Department if you see anything out of the ordinary.
- While on vacation stop all deliveries to your home. Newspapers and mail left at the front door are sure signs that your home is unoccupied. Notify the Lake Success Police Department of your scheduled departure and timeframe for which your home will be vacant.
Identity Theft Victim
Quick Response Checklist
Report Fraud immediately to the three major credit reporting bureaus by calling the toll-free numbers below:
- Experian 1-888-397-3742
- Equifax 1-800-525-6285
- TransUnion 1-800-680-7289
- Request a free copy of your police report. Go to your local police station and give the police as much information on the theft as possible. Under the law, you are entitled to a free copy of the report.
- Call your bank, other creditors, utility companies, and the department of motor vehicles where necessary, to alert them to the identity theft and follow-up in writing with the police report.
- Ask for the security or fraud department to report the theft and to open new accounts with new account numbers. Tell creditors that you want a new password to access each of your new accounts.
- Consider placing a credit freeze on your credit report. The strongest protection against new accounts being opened in your name is a credit freeze also called a security freeze which ensures that credit reports cannot be accessed without your permission.
- Contact the New York State Consumer Protection Board 1-800-697-1220,