Environmental Commission
In 1996, the Village Board of Trustees adopted a local law establishing an Environmental Commission. Its purpose is to study the environment in and around the Village, and to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding actions to be taken by the village to protect and improve the environment.
There are eight Commissioners, a Trustee Chairperson, and various alternates, who serve the interests of the public, without compensation. Each serve one or two year terms, and are appointed by the Mayor.
Environmental Commission:
Hon., Marian Lee
Laura Gal
Priya Mackhrandilall
Michele Raphael
Adam Schneider
Jean Tien
Jonathan Witt
Village of Lake
Success 2021-22 Draft Annual Storm Water Report
E-Waste Recycling Info
Electronic Equipment Covered by the Law*:
Note: Only
the items listed below will be accepted at Town of North Hempstead
drop-off locations for electronics . Other electrical devices not covered by
NYS Law, must be placed out for regular garbage collection.
Computers (including laptops, desktops, tablets and e-readers)
• Cathode ray tubes
• Computer peripherals (including any
cable, cord, or wiring accompanying the computer peripheral. )
o Electronic keyboards
o Electronic mice or similar pointing
o Facsimile machines, document scanners, and printers (only those
intended for use with a computer and weighing less than 100 Ibs.)
Small electronic equipment (including any cable, cord, or wiring
accompanying the small electronic equipment.)
o VCRs
o Digital
video recorders (DVRs)
o Portable digital music players
o DVD players
(including projectors with DVD player capabilities intended for home-use)
o Digital converter boxes
o Cable or satellite receivers (including
digital media receivers)
o Electronic or video game consoles (including
both handheld devices and those intended for use with a video display
• Small scale servers
Covered electronic equipment does not include: any motor vehicle or any part thereof; camera or video camera; portable or stationary radio; household appliances such as clothes washers, clothes dryers, refrigerators, freezers, microwave ovens, ovens, ranges or dishwashers; equipment that is functionally or physically part of a larger piece of equipment intended for use in an industrial, research and development or commercial setting; security or anti-terrorism equipment; monitoring and control instrument or system; thermostat; handheld transceiver; telephone of any type; portable digital assistant or similar device; calculator; global positioning system (GPS) receiver or similar navigation device; a server other than a small-scale server; a cash register or retail self-checkout system; a stand-alone storage product intended for use in industrial, research and development or commercial settings; commercial medical equipment that contains within it a cathode ray tube, a flat panel display or similar video display device, and is not separate from the larger piece of equipment; or other medical devices as that term is defined under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
* If you are unsure if your electronic device is covered by this law, please contact NYSDEC at (518) 402-8706 or email ewaste@dec.ny.gov.
Do you know how to dispose of old batteries, plastic
bags, Flourescent bulbs, etc...
Read North Hempstead's
Sanitation & Recycling Information
The Village of Lake Success held their annual E-Waste Day this past
Saturday, September 3 at the Village Park Parking Lot and collected 1.28 tons of
E-Waste. Pictured (from l to r ) Village Environmental Commission, Trustee Alan
Mindel, Jill Madenburg, Esther Voigt, VLS DPW Park Supervisor Joe Barone, Peter
Susser and VLS DPW Jim McDermott
The Electronic Waste Recycling Day on September 5th, 2015
resulted in the collection of 1.5 tons
which is the most collected since the EC began sponsoring the event in 2011
Trustee/EC Commissioner Alan Mindel, Peter Susser, Nancy
Cohen, Esther Voigt, Elizabeth Voigt
With the wonderful help of DPW! James McDermott (left), Joseph Barone (right)
The Village, through the efforts of the Environmental Commission, participates in and organizes a number of events aimed to educate, encourage and assist its residents to participate in “green” initiatives. A listing is below.
Our Annual electronic waste take back event is scheduled over Labor Day weekend. It has been a HUGE success! The 2015 event resulted in the collection of 1.5 tons of electronic waste from our residents’ drop-offs. This will continue to be an important part of the Village’s Labor Day Weekend events.
The Town of North Hempstead's Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P.) and E-Waste programs offer residents the opportunity to conveniently dispose of hazardous household waste and electronics in an environmentally friendly manner. Visit the STOP website for info.
Many people do not realize that many common household products such as paints and cleaners can be corrosive, explosive and toxic if mixed indiscriminately with regular household garbage. Moreover, typical electronic products such as DVD players, cell phones and computers may contain lead, mercury, of arsenic that, if not dispose of properly, could seep into the ground water.
Here is a useful link which details how to dispose of just about everything and for garbage and recycling information: Town of North Hempstead Recycling or you can always call 311, the Town’s call center, for more information.
This program has been a huge success nationally. It was started to keep prescription drugs off the streets but also ensures their proper disposal. The Environmental Commission encourages residents to participate. In addition to the Town's program, you can contact the Village Police Department at 516 482-4600 for availability of pharmaceutical drop-offs at their location or visit www.dea.gov.
At its September 2011 meeting your Environmental Commission adopted a
resolution urging the Village’s Board of Trustees to adopt an ordinance
which would ban the use of coal tar based sealants on driveways and parking
lots in our Village. The use of these products has already been banned by
Suffolk County and the State of Washington. The sealants generally contain
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are known to cause various
types of cancers. Studies have shown that exposure can be particularly
dangerous during pregnancy. In utero exposure to PAHs has been shown to
decrease IQ scores. As the sealants age they break-down and the PAHs used in
these sealants become airborne. Rain water also washes these PAHs into our
storm drains which empty into the Long Island Sound.
Though not widely used, there are acceptable alternatives, such as asphalt,
that can used to seal driveways and parking lots. If you are thinking about
resealing your driveway, please consider the use of an alternate product.
Basic alkaline batteries, such as AA, AAA, C, D and 9-volts used in flashlights, toys, and appliances are no longer considered to be hazardous waste. Manufacturers have responded to environmental concerns, and now produce household batteries that are virtually free of mercury. New York State law has deemed it safe for these batteries to be disposed of in the standard garbage, therefore The Town of North Hempstead will no longer be collecting alkaline batteries for recycling. They will continue to collect and urge you to recycle rechargeable, lithium and button batteries. These batteries contain toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, and should be disposed of in a safe and responsible manner. A receptacle for recycling ONLY these specific batteries can be found at the police station (15 Vanderbilt Drive) and the Village office (318 Lakeville Road) for your convenience. This is an ongoing program so please take advantage of it.
Village collection of household recyclable waste is collected from your curbside every Wednesday by Meadow Carting. The Town has expanded their Recycling Program to include plastics 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. These numbers can be found on the bottom of most plastic bottles and containers inside the "recycle triangle."
New York State has adopted special requirements for commercial applications of pesticides (NYSDEC Regulations 6NYCRR Part 325). In addition, Nassau County has opted in to the NY State Neighbor Notification requirement. In order to avoid violating the law, applications of pesticides must be made only by persons recognized as having demonstrated competency and who possess a Certification ID. Certification ID's are required for Certified commercial applicators and Certified commercial pesticide technicians. Commercial pesticide apprentices must meet certain requirements and must work under the direct supervision of a certified commercial pesticide applicator. A certified commercial gardener must possess on his person a valid ID card issued by the NY State DEC. Certification eligibility courses may be found here.
The following summarizes the provisions of the New York State law pertaining to the application of garden pesticides.
l. Prior to any pesticide application to ground, trees or shrubs, the commercial applicator shall enter into a written contract with the owner of the property or his agent. (A sample contract has been developed by the administration of the Nassau/Suffolk Landscape Gardener's Association.) The contract must specify the approximate date or dates of the application, number of applications, and total cost for the service to be provided. The property owner or his agent is to be supplied with a written copy of:
a. A list of substances to be applied including brand names and generic names of active ingredients:
b. Any warnings that appear on the label of pesticides to be applied that are pertinent to the protection of humans, animals or the environment; and
c. The company name, address, telephone number, business registration number, and applicator certification identification card number.
2. In the event that application on the date or dates specified in the contract becomes infeasible, the person who is to provide such application shall give the owner or his agent oral or written notice of the proposed alternate date or dates, and shall receive acceptance of such alternate date or dates from the owner or his agent prior to initiating lawn application.
3. Persons providing commercial lawn applications shall maintain copies of all contracts required pursuant the above.
All persons applying pesticides to lawns shall affix markers to be placed within or along the perimeter of the area where pesticides will be applied. Such markers shall be posted at least twelve inches above the ground and shall be at least four by five inches in size. The markers shall be in place on the day during which the pesticide is being applied and shall instruct persons not to enter the property and not to remove the signs for a period of at least twenty-four hours. Such instructions shall be printed boldly in letters at least three-eights of an inch in height. Markers placed by commercial applicators must be yellow in color, have lettering which is black in color, and be constructed or rigid material. All such markers must include on the front of the marker:
b. The specific date and time of application, unless the date and time are provided to property owner immediately following application and prior to leaving premises:
c. The phrase DO NOT ENTER; and
e. A prominent visual warning symbol, at least 1.5 inches in diameter, such as a person walking a dog with a slash through the symbol or a stern face with an outward facing raised open hand ; and
f. The name and telephone number of the applicator business.
These following rules apply whether pesticides are applied by a commercial entity or by the resident.
Prior neighbor notification to owners of adjacent property with a boundary that is within one hundred fifty feet of the site of application requires a written notice, 48 hours prior to the application, except for the application of anti-microbial pesticides and the use of an aerosol product with a directed spray when used to protect individuals from an imminent threat from stinging and biting insects. This exception does not exempt from notification the use of any fogger product or aerosol product that discharges to a wide area. Also exempt from neighbor notification requirements are non-volatile insect or rodent bait in a tamper resistant container, pesticides classified by the U.S. EPA as exempt material under 40 CFR Part 152.25, pesticides which the U.S. EPA has determined satisfies its reduced risk criteria, including a biopesticide, the use of boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, horticultural soap or oils that do not contain synthetic pesticides or synergists, and the application of a granular pesticide where granular pesticide means any ground applied solid pesticide that is not a dust or powder. Emergency application of a pesticide when necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human health is also exempt from prior neighbor notification, provided that the person providing the application makes a good faith effort to supply written notice and notifies the Commissioner of Health of Nassau County, using forms provided by the commissioner.
In 1996, the Village Board of Trustees adopted a local law establishing an Environmental Commission. Its purpose is to study the environment in and around the Village, and to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding actions to be taken by the village to protect and improve the environment.
There are eight Commissioners, a Trustee Chairperson and Trustee Deputy, and various alternates, who serve the interests of the public, without compensation. Each serve one or two year terms, and are appointed by the Mayor.
Worth Reading:
Nassau County Storm Water Management Program Department of Public Works
Earth Saving Tips from Earth Share
If you would like to report someone dumping into or having an illegal connection to the storm sewer system call the Illicit Discharge Hotline (516) 571-6863

"Our Children At Risk" is a 30
minute documentary video which explores the latest scientific research
linking environmental toxins to children's health problems. Based on
interviews with leading experts in the field, this program helps parents
understand the issues and learn what they can do in their homes,
schools, and communities.
The Lake Success Environmental Commission strongly recommends the
viewing of this program.
Get a copy of the DVD "Our Children At Risk" produced by:
Grassroots Environmental Education
52 Main Street
Port Washington, NY 11050